Your breath can turn your life around.

I'll show you how.

You’re coming out of a rough patch. Maybe you’ve just been divorced, and the settlement has impacted your financial footing. Maybe you notice a pattern of physical problems or accidents repeating again and again over years (or even decades). Or maybe there’s an underlying feeling of worry… or that things are falling apart… or that life feels hard no matter what you do.

Most importantly, you are looking for help. You sense that something is going on inside of you, but you may not know what it is – or how to shift it. You don’t want your future to look like your past. You don’t want to go through all that again.

This is where I come in.

Hello, I’m Haille.

I work with men and women who want their future to be different from their past. Using a practice called Breathwork, I guide them as they learn to use their breathing to get quiet, notice and release old patterns, and create a new future with wonderful new possibilities.

I work with clients in person in Wellington, New Zealand and online, via Skype. We typically start with three Breathwork sessions, so they can get a feel for what the work is, and whether it’s right for them. From there, my clients make a commitment to work with me for a further 5 months (that’s what I enjoy and what they need to create lasting transformation), and then some choose to continue after that.

What is Breathwork?

Using the simplicity and power of the breath, I show my clients how to connect their inhale and exhale – something that many of us have come to overlook in the ‘hustle and bustle’ of our full days.

With breath as our guide, I also introduce my clients to mindfulness techniques and the experience of what it feels like to live the life they desire… in the present moment.

As part of the session, I use conversation and deep listening to witness whatever needs to be seen, said, heard, and felt by my client, and help them receive and digest the insights that arise.

My clients often discover new, easier approaches to life, greater self-expression, and a lasting sense of expansion and deep peace as a result of our work together.

My training is rooted in Conscious Connected Breathwork, otherwise known as Rebirthing Breathwork.

The first step? Let’s have a conversation.

If you’d like to get to know me a bit better and explore how I can support you as you turn your life around using something as simple yet powerful as your breath, let’s have a conversation. This is a chance for you to get a sense of me and how I work, get any questions you may have about Breathwork answered, and see if we are a fit to work together.

To find a time to chat, click here to send me an email and introduce yourself. I very much look forward to meeting you.

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