The Evidence is Clear: Your Expectations Affect Your Health
The evidence for the power of expectation just keeps mounting up.If we are told something and accept it as true, which probably happens far more than we would care to admit, our mind and our body will prove it to us.And medical research into the 'placebo effect' is...

The Five Ingredients of Conscious Connected Breathing
Children call it ‘fun breathing’, because they love it and it comes naturally to them. People all over the world are using it to improve their experience of life and deepen their connections with others. It’s a breathing technique that was discovered and developed in...
How to Get High in Twenty Breaths
Formal breathing exercises don't feature much at all in Rebirthing Breathwork. There is one though that is an excellent introduction to the Conscious Connected Breathwork process, and a great free tool you can use to energise yourself or relieve stress through the...

Going with the Flow – What Does That Mean?
A teacher of mine once laughed and said to me, "Only dead fish go with the flow". As long as we’re alive in a body, we will always have 'out of flow' moments - those times when things don’t go as we planned and everything seems to fall flat; when our wonderful state...

Why I love Breathing
Breathwork is a convenient but misleading term. Yes, there is ‘work’ involved in the breathing that I and my clients and fellow ‘conscious breathers’ indulge in – the work of awareness, being with whatever is there in the moment, allowing what needs to come up to be...